Tuesday, May 30, 2006

2 suitcases

I don't know how I came to this idea, but it struck me that it would be an accomplishment to be able to live out of 2 suitcases. It's a romantic idea to me -- packing and leaving whenever, only with 2 suitcases. I'm not complaining that I have too much, but I certainly think it would be great if I could get rid of whatever I don't need but still keep. That's not the reason why I like the idea of 2 suitcases. I think of it as a somewhat zen concept, the notion of not being attached to anything, not being burdened by the world. And of course, a Hollywood concept, people running across the globe, searching lost treasure, true love, the cure, an adventure, a new life, with at most 2 suitcases.

If I trace it right, the 2-suitcase idea came about when I started college. I had 2 suitcases. And since then, I've never been able to get around with less than 2 suitcases and 6 boxes. It's not much, but I need to get rid of 6 boxes. The idea of minimal travel really stuck with me for a while when I was traveling around quite a bit visiting various schools last year. I had little time to pack, little desire to bring many things, and a lot of people to impress. I came across this handy webpage describing how to live out of a carryon suitcase. At least I think that's the one I saw. The author travels for different reasons than I did. The bottomline is that the idea of a minimalist lifestyle really appeals to me.

It's not going to happen though. Not 2 suitcases. I'm a packrat and I need to learn how to let go. Perhaps I'll fly better when I'm not weighed down.

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