Sunday, March 04, 2007

The paradox

Sometimes you're alone and you feel lonely. Because of conventional wisdom, you know the right thing to do is to call up your friends and go out. And you do that and often enough it works.

Sometimes you're perfectly happy with yourself, and you're alone. And you join a group of people and hang out with them and you feel terribly alone, during, after, at some point, sometimes.

Your friends are that group of people. Why do they make you feel lonely?

People who read self-help books are people who have taken the first step in the right direction, admiting that they have a problem. I am currently reading a book on happiness. Am I lacking something in my life? I've been told that I either look really happy, or I look really sad. Laugh because you'll cry when you stop smiling. How extreme.

No, I'm not in the darkest of abysses. But gloomy thoughts permeate me always. Is my life half-empty or half-full?

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