Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sleight of hand and twist of fate

One of my favorite lines of poetry goes "Ask me where I am going, and I'll tell you 'things keep on happening' " Well, something to that extent anyway. The original line is "Si me preguntais en donde he estado debo decir `Sucede'". I don't know enough Spanish to translate that properly, so I have to use the translation that I prefer, neglecting accuracy. It is obviously not accurate.

It goes nicely along with the "muss es sein" idea -- must it be? It could have been otherwise, but it's not. So what is the point of thinking about what is not? I've never been able to rid myself of the sneaking suspicion that things can very well be otherwise. I have been incredibly lucky, and I have to admit that to myself even if you prefer to say that I worked for it and thus deserve what I have. I won't deny you your belief of justice and fairness. Life isn't fair, but it's hard to say exactly how unfair life's been. For the better I say.

Ask me where I am going, and you know my reply. "Things, they keep happening."

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