Friday, October 12, 2007

Tales of Mere Existence

I was going to post links to this series of videos I just discovered on youtube before I realized that Safari (at least the version I'm using), doesn't allow me to add hyperlinks the way I used to. I'm pasting the ugly link like this ( until I figure out how to make it look nicer...or until I get a new computer.

Anyway, to explain what I'm linking -- this guy does pencil and paper animation about the minute things in life. The series is aptly named "Tales of Mere Existence".

I've been a hapy Mac user for 2 years, but I feel like it's time to switch back to Windows again. Mac's software is great, but I've had 2 hardware failures the last 2 years I've owned my iBook. Perhaps I'm plain unlucky. I really like the Mac OS. The hardware is just not reliable for me. Between software issues and hardware issues, I think the choice is clear. PS. I'm not getting Vista, don't worry.

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