Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another 2 ways of getting rid of change (if you didn't already know)

It's a little specific to Boston but here we go:

1. The MBTA ticket machine.
There are 2 types: the card only machine, and the one that accepts cash as well. If you don't commute often -- meaning you usually add money to your Charlie card -- this might be a good way of getting rid of pocket change. The machine will accept up to 20 coins at a time. For me, it's perfect for emptying my wallet when it starts to weigh on me. I mainly use it for nickels and dimes since my quarters go to laundry.

2. TD North Bank
Now that they are opening branches all over Boston, this has become feasible. If you sign up for an account with them, you can use their Coinstar-like machine. It sits in their lobby, and looks and works like a Coinstar machine, except the money goes into your bank account. And you don't lose a cent.

Let me know if you have other ways of avoiding Coinstar.

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